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Important Information on how to receive tax summaries.

Ayider Forumlar Announcements Important Information on how to receive tax summaries.

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  • #4598
    Anahtar yönetici

    Hey everyone,

    It’s coming up on it’s been a year since Drvld’s launched our US subsidiary company and the W form submission process was introduced to the Drvld ecosystem.

    Shortly, Drvld is going to be mailing two types of forms to our authors; a 1099 form for US authors and a 1042 form for non-US authors. These forms contain summaries of your income from US buyers and the amount of tax we withheld and paid to the IRS on your behalf.

    Anahtar yönetici

    Whenever you see a man walking a cat outside on a leash – you know that is a rare individual.

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Last modified: Mart 31, 2023